Parsnip is your personal language tutor for any content.

We believe that if you can consistently look back and say, "Last week/month I was finally able to do or understand THIS," then you WILL inevitably reach your goals.

The reader view showing an expanded definition

The reader view

Stop juggling references and start reading.

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Built-in Dictionary
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Built-in Character References
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Automatic tracking and review
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No manual steps or configuration needed
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The reader view showing an expanded definition
See all of the conjugations, homonyms, and occurrences from your library for a word.

Parsnip intelligently tracks the words you've seen.

Because Parsnip understand languages the same way you do, it can tell you which words, or even which word conjugations, you know and which ones you need work on.

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Encountered conjugations
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Character readings
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Word readings
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Character compounds
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An index of where you've seen the words too

Parsnip currently supports 16 languages

Parsnip fully supports: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Spanish

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Norwegian Bokmål

"Wow dude. [...] it actually sounds like you really have something there."

Parsnip lets you focus on using the language while you're learning.

Adam Myers, Software Engineer at LinkedIn and French speaker
"Wow dude. [...] it actually sounds like you really have something there" - Adam

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I send occasional emails, no more than twice a month, to keep you up-to-date on how Parsnip is progressing.
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Knowledge Base
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Automatically created exercises
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Review just often enough to not forget
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is word tracking?

Let's say you have two sentences you are studying: "John ran to the mall for Pocky." and "I'm running Minecraft on the server."

A flashcard app tracks how often you get each one right or wrong. And its very possible to see both cards in a single session.

Parsnip tracks words though. "Ran" and "running" are both forms of "run" so you reviewed "server" recently Parsnip  knows you also reviewed "running" at the same time.


How is this different than using Apple/Google translate?

Parsnip works at the word level. It breaks the content into words and provides relevant information such as the dictionary form of a word, part of speech and readings/pronunciations.

Google translate works everything at once. It is possible words from the original text don't show up in the translation at all. Like when a completely different phrase is used to convey the same meaning in the other language.

Not knowing about these cases can make using google translate frustrating at best.
